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Jauniešu treniņa programma Indaba 2019




    Treininga nedēļas mērķis ir savest kopā jauniešus vecumā 18 līdz 35 no dažādām valstīm, ar dažādām pieredzēt un dzīvesstāstiem, lai kopā pārrunātu mūsdienu sabiedrību un mūsu katra individualitātes lomu tajā. 

Vai Tu esi pazīstams ar savu iekšējo spēcīgo uguni un vistumšākajām ēnām, kas vienlīdzspēcīgi Tevī dzīvo un Tevi veido?

Vai tu zini kā to izmantot?

 Kā es varu ieraudzīt savu potenciālu lielajā pasaules puzlē? Kas notiek pasaulē un kāda ir mana loma tajā? Vai mēs kā sabiedrība virzamies pareizā virzienā? Ko es varu mainīt un vai man ir kas jāmaina?

Mūsu 7 dienu apmācību nedēļā pieredzējušu mentoru vadībā centīsimies atbildēt uz sev svarīgākajiem jautājumiem.

    The total cost of the conference for 7 days is only 90 EUR. This includes all of the mandatory expenses such as:

  • Accommodation

  • Three meals a day and some snacks for coffee brakes

  • All the materials needed for the art activities

  • Transportation for the excursion. 

In order to reserve your place in the training week, we would like you to transfer 50 euros. The rest of the amount we will ask you to pay when you come to the conference. If it is possible, we would be happy if the whole amount is transferred. Please provide your full name in the payment order.


8:00-8:30      -  Body work

8:30-8.45      -  Mediation

9:00-10:00    -  Breakfast

10:00-10:30  -  Singing

10:30-12.30  -  Morning session

13:00-14.00  -  Lunch

14:00-15.00  -  FREE TIME

15:00-17.30  -  Group work, explore the unknown territory of yourself, Arts & Play

18.00-19:00  -  Dinner

20.00-...        -  Closing ceremony of The Day and Reflection


"Indaba" Zulu valodā nozīmē - man ir kaut kas patiesi svarīgs sakāms tev. To varētu nosaukt par īpašo prāta stāvokli, kā arī par īpašu periodu dzīvē, tam ir daudz dažādu izpausmju. Patiesībā Indaba ir piedzīvojums, kurā es izlemju doties tajā brīdī, kad saprotu, ka manā dzīvē ir kaut kas maināms vai uzlabojams. Kad saprotu, ka vēlos daudz labāk saprast kur esmu vai kur dodos savā dzīvē.  

InDaba inLatvia will be the third International Youth Training week, that takes a place at Adazi Free Waldorf School. Last training weeks were unbelievably inspiring for every participant and organizing team and this time together changed us, changed our perspective, our vision of how to see the world around. We became more powerful and inspired by things that we have wanted to do.


"This week was incredibly amazing! Thank you so much everyone for creating this magical Indaba. It was a big transition point in my life and I really appreciate what all of you have done for me. I cannot believe it's already over but I know that, when it's the right time and the right place we will meet again. See you soon crazy beautiful people."



"Indaba is for me a form of coming together that allows and makes it possible for everyone and everything to appear in its real being. And while making this possible it creates a common reality with an impact. The impact belongs to the future. INDABA creates future. A common future. Through INDABA I have a stronger connection to what I am able to bring to the world."


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Kad? Kur? Kam?


25th of June - 2nd of July, 2019

Adazi Free Waldorf School (Latvia)

For youth in the age of 18 to 35




Jannis M. Keuerleber



Combines the exercise of mindful observation and attentiveness to a practice of shared understanding. In the arts, he found a rich field to school consciousness towards an awareness of the subtle processes in groups and nature as in our soul and mind. His work is dedicated to making healing principles of initiation a guideline for education, organizational & individual development and leadership.


Rebekka Kreisel



Is a professional social art and drama director specialized in work with young people. Her unique approach draws from profound experience in social dynamics, the art and practice of movement and bodywork, and love for the poetics of truth and processes. This is also reflected in her dedication to the beauty of speech and the power of the word.

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